BEWARE of The Equity Manipulators!
There is an unscrupulous element within the Estate Agency business who cynically and calculatedly exploit people by misleading them about the value of their most valuable asset, their home.
There is an unscrupulous element within the Estate Agency business who cynically and calculatedly exploit people by misleading them about the value of their most valuable asset, their home.
The Court of Appeal yesterday ruled that Section 21 notices issued by landlords are valid provided a gas safety certificate is issued before the notice is given to the… Read More »Court of Appeal sides with landlords in landmark case ruling
Estate agents are likely to get through the next five to six months even if the market falls away – but November is most likely the critical month.
Data released this morning by Rightmove suggests that agents in England have agreed no fewer than 40,000 sales since the market reopened little more than four weeks ago.
The new YOUhome Property Gurus agency has announced another key hire to strengthen its central London activities.
The housing market in Northern Ireland is resuming on Monday after its lockdown because of the Coronavirus crisis.
Today is one month since the government lifted restrictions on agents and the housing market – and since that time the largest increase in business has been for mortgages.
Rupert and Annabel Wakley – both long-time stalwarts of Knight Frank’s country department – have moved over to the rival Jackson-Stops agency.
Rightmove has contacted all member agents saying it has enhanced its automated online viewing feature first introduced in April.
A taxation institute is urging the government to delay Capital Gains Tax changes relating to housing transactions until the virus crisis ends.