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Stamp Duty frenzy proves need to automate sales process - claim

The frenzy of activity in the housing market thanks to the stamp duty holiday shows the need for automated processes to speed sales.

That’s the view of property software company Openview – Powered by VTUK.

It says the holiday, coming alongside the pandemic and the government’s 95 per cent mortgage scheme, have all contributed to the increased housing demand across the UK.

Automating transactions, sales progression and tenant maintenance reporting could allow more time to speak to prospects, network with landlords or carry out viewings, Openview says.

By automating these processes in a way that tailors directly to the agency, automation could act as an assistant which supports everyone in the property industry.

“In house sales, quick speed and accuracy are fundamental, and if these are not achieved, they can cause backlogs” according to Peter Grant, chairman and chief executive at Openview.

“Transactions fall through if deadlines are not met and when errors are made. The current housing market continues to demonstrate that automated processes must be invested in to ensure efficiency all the time.”

Grant adds: “Automation has the potential to make these processes simpler, reduce paperwork, decrease the chances of error and avoid potential delays. Making the process quicker can help agents manage industry demands better on a single online platform. “

He says automation helps effectiveness across four key areas: business continuity, retaining clients, winning clients, and increasing profit with each transaction.

“By analysing the areas where speed and accuracy need improvement, you can streamline these tasks using a customisable automation system” Grant explains.

“Knowing the areas of improvement in your organisation will help select the right features that will benefit your agency and clients.”

He says there is peace of mind in knowing that the documentation and data that has been inputted is on one single, secure system.

“Also, there is an opportunity to focus on other important areas of the business that require attention,” he continues. “Time can be maximised when automation is at the forefront of the company’s structure. Maximising time means enabling growth, reliability, and stability at any chosen hour of the day.”

And he concludes: “Fastrt property transactions for estate agents can be facilitated with e-signatures and automated communication, as opposed to being completed manually.”

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