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Property for sale? The estate agent trick you must avoid to sell your home fast

Publisihed by The Daily Express 18th November 2019

WHEN selling a property, homeowners will often get the help of an estate agent. However, they must be careful when doing this and avoid certain estate agent tricks to get the best deal, an expert explained.

Selling a property is not an easy task so getting an experts opinion can make the process easier. Most Britons will do this by looking to estate agents for advice on how to get the best deal. However, they may not always act in the interest of the seller and homeowners should look out for one trick, an expert warned.

Estate agents are on hand to help those who are trying to sell or buy a property. They can offer advice on how much the property is worth and give tips and tricks on how to sell quickly. However, some experts will not always work in the best interest of the seller, an expert warned.

While many estate agents will try hard to help sellers shift their home, others may not give the best advice. When choosing which estate agents to go use, it can be tempting to pick the one which gives homeowners the highest valuation for their property.

However, if a price seems too good to be true, it probably is, Jamie Salisbury, property expert at digital estate agency, Nested, explained. He told “Be careful of choosing the estate agent who gave you the highest valuation.

Some agents may overvalue a property in the hopes of enticing sellers when it is not actually possible to get that price. Instead of accepting a high valuation, homeowners can do their own research to see how much they could actually get.

“Ask the agent to provide you with similar properties to yours that have sold for that price,” he added. What’s more, putting a property on the market for a high asking price can actually make it more difficult to sell.

“If you go on the market with an unrealistic asking price it may leave you on the market for longer, which will delay your move.”

If the property is listed for more than similar homes, it could be left on the market and slow down the process. When picking an estate agent, it is also important to be careful before signing up for a contract. Some estate agents will try to sign up sellers up for contracts for as long as 26 weeks, an expert explained.

This can further slow down the selling process and leave sellers out of pocket as a result.