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Conveyancers call for less aggression in house buying process

A conveyancing trade publication wants those involved in residential transactions to be kind to each other – especially as the stamp duty holiday adds to the pressure.

Today’s Conveyancer says increasing numbers of conveyancers have taken to social media to talk about the pressure they are under.

One has been Molly James, conveyancer at Convey Law, who wrote on LinkedIn: “Quite shocked and disgusted that in these trying times for ALL conveyancers, there are still a small few that do not know how to stay professional and ‘be kind’ in their email replies. Polite reminder to those people, you do NOT know what that person on the other end of your snappy email is going through, be it work or home life. Your email could just be what tips them over the edge into feeling completely helpless. PLEASE be more mindful when you type your snappy emails. We are all in the same situation.”

And Taylor Ann Dearnaley, a licensed conveyancer at Countrywide Conveyancing Services, writes: “Agreed Molly. I’m no Saint, and have my regretful moments when the pressure builds, so it is hard. I’m trying to either apologise and realise afterwards, or if someone snaps at me, ask them if they are okay. I don’t think any of us mean to upset anyone else, but there is somewhat on a oneupmanship and blame culture inherently built into the conveyancing world that may take a while to overcome.”

Ryan Letts, director at The Priory Law Group, adds: “I had a conversation over Zoom today with someone who was juggling home schooling and handling some complex drafting with me. On a number of occasions she had to mute the conversation apologising each time. There was no need for the latter.

“One should step back, breathe and realise the cumbersome stress and unrest these stay at home instructions bring and help each other along the path to normality especially if that person provides an avenue to progress what it is that you are both trying to achieve for yourself or a client.”

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